Thursday, June 25, 2015

Days 2 & 3: Let the swelling begin!

Day 2 & 3
Overall pain: 3
Discomfort: 5
Swelling: Much Worse
Weight loss: 6 lbs

I would say that yesterday was the worst day so far. The swelling has started to peak so my face just felt so heavy and the inside of my mouth was so swollen it was hard to eat, drink, or talk. 

Katie and Neil brought me home yesterday and Dexter got to meet our kitten Alezae. After getting home I slept most of the afternoon and it's been much the same today. I have very little energy and I'll be in the middle of watching tv or reading and just fall asleep. So I can't complain about not sleeping since I'm even sleeping in long clips throughout the night.

Food wise - I feel like I'm eating a lot but that might just be because of how long it takes to eat. I can eat from a baby spoon or drink from a cup but since I can't open my mouth very wide it's quite the process. I've lost 6 lbs since Monday and I can expect to lose 14 more. Yikes!

Kathleen made potato soup last night and that's the best thing I've had so far! It's my favorite soup so I don't mind eating it and it's filling. I'm still trying to drink two ensures a day and a lot of water. 

The pain still isn't bad, it's mostly just in my joints and near my ears. The numbness of my lip and chin is starting to get annoying. It's like when the dentist gives you those shots, except that it doesn't wear off and to tingles all the time. 

That's pretty much it as far as any changes. Just more swelling and a lot of sleeping!

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